
Events will be posted here as they occur!

Past Events

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Collection 

Christmas is not too far away, more information will be coming soon on the date for the collection of the shoe boxes. 

Otsego vs Rossford Goodwill Pass it on Challenge

donations being collected Sept. 9 - 12

Follow the link to learn more: 13abc goodwill pass it challenge

Graduation Sunday

May 19th starting at 9 a.m.

Join us in celebrating our graduates and praying for their future endeavors. Refreshments will follow the service. 

Easter Service

March 31st starting at 9 a.m.

Help us transform our cross. Brink fresh or silk flowers.

Christmas Eve Service

 Sunday, December 24, 2023 Service starts at 7:30 pm

 Communion will proceed after the service for those who would like to stay.

Holiday Bazaar

November 11th,  starting at 9 a.m. and lasting all day. 

There will be a silent auction, bake sale, lunch, and dinner.

Fall Craft Class

September 30th, 9:00 a.m.

Please join us for some fun as we create fall decorations. 

The Autumn church is a 16×20 inch canvas is $30.00. 

The 3D Wood Cutout Pumpkins/Leaf Crate, and Hello Fall Sunflower Door hanger are on wood and cost $35.00. 

Lori Lawton is our host/teacher and can guide you through with ease. 

Please contact Pam, Patti, or Cassie if you are interested in signing up by Sept 17th. 

If you would like to complete more than one, Lori will create a take-home kit

First Responders Appreciation Service

Join us for our annual First Responders Appreciation Service!

Sunday, September 17th at 9 a.m.

Held at the Grand Rapids Township Fire Station.

17706 Wapakoneta Rd

Easter Service

April 9th starting at 9 a.m.

Help us transform our cross. Brink fresh or silk flowers.

Christmas Bazaar 

November 5 starting at 9 am and lasting all day. 

There will be a silent auction, bake sale, lunch, and dinner.

First Responders Appreciation Service

Sunday, September 11th at 9 a.m.

Grand Rapids Township Fire Station

17706 Wapakoneta Rd

Christmas Eve Service

 Tuesday, December 24, 2023 Service starts at 7:30 pm

 Communion will proceed after the service for those who would like to stay.

Baked Steak Dinner

September 21st,  5-7 p.m. 

Grand Rapids Calvary Church Rebirth Celebration

April 7th Service at 9 a.m. Brunch social to follow from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Please join us in the celebration of the church’s rebirth 

Palm Sunday

March 24th starting at 9 a.m.

Baked Steak Dinner

November 11th,  starting at 5 p.m. 

Pre Sale tickets are available by calling Patti or Cassie

They go fast, so don't wait to place your order.

Dine-in or Carry out.

Bake Steak Dinner and Bake Sale

Saturday, September 23rd, 5:00-6:30

Pre Sale tickets are available by calling Patti or Cassie

They go fast, so don't wait to place your order.

Dine-in or Carry out.

Church Disaffiliation Vote

If you are a member, your attendance on September 10th is important. We will be voting to decide the future of the church. This will be the official vote regarding disaffiliation. Attendance will begin at 10 a.m. and voting held at 10:30. There are no absentee votes, you must be present to be heard.

Information Sessions

There will be two informational meetings that we are encouraging ALL Calvary UMC members to attend. They are:

April 20th at 6:30 in the church sanctuary, Rae Lynn Schleif will be visiting to answer questions regarding the UMC split and leading a discussion on the benefits of remaining with the United Methodist Church.

April 27th at 6:30 in the church sanctuary, Pastor Brad Martin will be visiting to answer questions and will lead a discussion on the benefits of moving to the new Global United Methodist Church.

We hope to see EVERYONE there so that all can make an informed decision on the future of our Church!

Christmas Eve Service

 Saturday, December 24, 2021 Service starts at 7:30 pm

 Communion will proceed after the service for those who would like to stay.

Bake Steak Dinner and Bake Sale

Saturday, September 17th 4:30 - Sold out

Another yummy baked steak dinner is coming up.

Pre Sale tickets are available by calling Patti or Cassie

They go fast, so don't wait to place your order.

Dine-in or Carry out.